Call Account
Quick, easy access to your funds
With a Call Account you can deposit funds and make withdrawals as you require, with no fixed investment period. Investments start at P1 000.
What you can do
Easy transfers
- Access your funds on demand: All you have to do is send us a written instruction
- By linking a Call Account to an existing FNB account, you can transfer funds via ATM, Cellphone Banking or FNB Online Banking
- Statements are available on request
What's hot

Easy access
A simple and convenient account, with easy access to your funds.

Withdraw + deposit
Make deposits and withdrawals in any amounts.

No fixed investment period.

There is no ceiling to the amount you can invest.

Tiered rates
Account balances are tiered and attract tiered rates (the higher the balance, the better the rate).

Keep a balance
No interest will be earned on balances below P1 000.