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Your Relationship Manager

Relationship managers are supported by Agriculture Specialists. This ensures that your needs are met we provide appropriate solutions for your business. Contact your Agricultural Relationship Manager via phone or email.

FNB Call Centre

+267 395 9881 or 0800 302 302


Contingency insurance

This insurance protects your business from unexpected events that are not covered by your business's standard insurance policy. We can provide the appropriate cover should you feel your business needs extra protection.

We also provide guarantees to help facilitate business agreements and contracts. Guarantees are written undertakings by the bank to pay an agreed amount to a third party. A guarantee offers security for performance and reduces risk.

Key Man Insurance

People are vital for the success of a business, particularly in the case of partnerships and sole proprietors. FNB offers you Key Man Insurance to cover the value of your key people, if their death or disability could cause great loss or even the dissolution of your farm.

It is also important to consider what will happen to your farm in the event of your death. As a farm owner, it is critical to identify a suitable person to run your business should you be unable to do so, and to ensure that finance is available to help your business at that time. Proper estate planning for both you and your staff is essential and we are qualified to help you with these matters.

Farm Risk Insurance

Protect your livelihood with insurance you can trust.

What this is

Safeguard against the unexpected

We know that building a farm requires time and effort and we believe it is worth safeguarding against the unexpected.

FNB can offer you various short-term insurance options. Based on your need to use a broker, you can choose from our experienced product partners.

Contingency insurance

Peace of mind guaranteed

This insurance protects your business from unexpected events that are not covered by your business's standard insurance policy.

Key Man Insurance

Ensure the future of your business

People are vital for the success of a business, particularly in the case of partnerships and sole proprietors. FNB offers you Key Man Insurance to cover the value of your key people, if their death or disability could cause great loss or even the dissolution of your farm.

Getting it made easy